Here are 7 fun yoga poses for two people to play with, and to be curious about. Learning more about your own body in relationship to someone else is one way to cultivate more intimacy with your partner.
7 Fun Yoga Poses for Two People
- Easy Pose – Sukhasana
- Heart opening – Anahatasana
- Supported heart opening
- Chair Pose – Utkatasana
- Wide-legged forward fold – Prasarita Padottanasana
- Gentle seated Twist – Parivrtta Sukhasana
- Traktaka – Eye Gazing Meditation
Never push yourself in a yoga pose or movement. This is a practice of listening to your body, finding what feels good, and leaning into that goodness! If you experience anything sharp or shooting, especially in your joints, don’t do it! Back off, and find a different way to explore. If you find an edge, see if you can linger on the edge and maintain a slow, easy breath. If not, come out of the posture or movement and try something else!
Not every movement or posture will be right for everybody.
Have Fun and Collaborate
Cultivate Curiosity
Deepen Intimacy
Build communication
Get to know yourself and your partner better
1. Easy Pose – Sukhasana
Sitting back to back, allow yourself to lean into the support of your partner, without pushing. Maybe your legs are bent, crossed, or straight, find the position that works for you. Take a few deep breaths together. Say to your partner, “I’ve got your back”. This can also be a creative way to have a conversation when sitting face-to-face or eye contact feels too intense.
2. Heart opening – Anahatasana
Each partner takes turns leaning forward. Notice what leg position feels best, crossed, straight, or wide-legged. One partner may feel an opening through the chest, while the other may feel a lengthening in the back body or the backs of the legs. Be sure to communicate when you’ve found the perfect spot for both without going too far. Take turns leaning forward and leaning back until it feels complete.
3. Supported heart opening
Another option is to gently hold the hands of your partner to increase the support and depth of this release.
4. Chair Pose – Utkatasana
From a seated position and interweave your arms. Leaning into each other’s back, negotiate your way to standing. One partner may need to support the other to stand up first. Notice who naturally assumes the supporting role. Try moving from standing to seated a few times with this awareness. Try pausing in a chair pose as demonstrated in this photo, for a few breaths to feel your strength.
5. Wide-legged forward fold – Prasarita Padottanasana
Facing your partner, in a seated position with your legs wide or crossed, embrace your hands at the wrists. Gently lean away from each other. Look each other in the eyes and smile! Now take turns leaning forward, with the gentle pull of your partner. Watch and listen, and be sure to communicate when the stretch is just deep enough!
6. Gentle seated Twist – Parivrtta Sukhasana
This twist can be refreshing for your spine and also to refresh a collaboration with a partner. Place your right hands behind your back, with your left hand, reach for your partner’s right hand. Have a long, straight spine and bring your gaze over your right shoulder.
7. Traktaka – Eye Gazing Meditation
Finish by sitting in front of your partner, and bring your hands into a gesture of gratitude, perhaps resting somewhere near your heart. See if you can sync up your breath, as one person inhales, the other exhales. Imagine you are creating an energy connection with your breath. With your eyes open or closed, allow yourself to focus on the love of the person in front of you. Silently or out loud, acknowledge some things you feel grateful for about them.
Bonus: Yoga For Sexual Happiness Course (15% Off)
If you enjoyed these sexy yoga poses, you can learn more with my with my Online Yoga Course – Yoga for Sexual Happiness, or read my post about Sexy Yoga Poses for Beginners to Add Excitement in The Bedroom.